Most people are heavily involved in watching porn and try as much as possible to quit. Watching too much pornography can be a sign of addiction which interferes with one’s life and relationships. Porn addiction makes you emotionally reliant on pornographic materials that many people experience unknowingly.

Pornography also affects the brain like addictive drugs do, overwhelming the reward center with dopamine making it easier for users to keep coming back for more.

You will overcome this addiction, improve your mental health, and create healthier relationships by following through the steps outlined here. This article will show you how to stop watching porn.


Part 1. Facts About Porn Addiction

There are several facts about porn addiction that people often fail to realize. The following are some of them.

It’s More Common Than You’d Expect

Research shows that 35% of all internet downloads are related to porn. So, if you feel alone in this matter, note that there are other millions out there undergoing similar challenges too.

For instance, Common Sense Media's survey reveals that 73% of teens have viewed pornography, with the average first exposure at age 12. Additionally, 15% reported first seeing porn at age 10 or younger.

The graph below displays, by age group, how many males in the United States were consuming adult and pornographic content in March 2022.

US males consuming adult and pornographic content

Source: Statista 

It Can Affect Your Relationships

Affect Your Relationships

Source: Freepik

The problems of porn addiction can have a negative impact on your love affair with someone else. In this case, it could lead to false beliefs concerning the sex and body shape of your partner resulting in discontentment as well as battles.

It Affects Both Men and Women

Porn addiction is not just for men. Also, women are affected by it. The Sexual Medicine study showed that women had similar symptoms to men when they were experiencing problematic porn use such as loss of control and negative consequences. The internet’s accessibility means anyone can be an addict.

It Is A Global Issue

Pornography addiction has spread through various cultures. Research shows that around 5-8% of adults suffer from pornography addiction.

The Link Between Porn Addiction And Mental Illness Exists

Studies also link porn addiction with mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. Research conducted by “Frontiers in Psychology” proved that if you are suffering from this kind of problem, you will surely face these difficulties since it is more likely for those who have this issue.

Mental Illness

Porn Addiction Affects Your Brain

The brain’s reward system is changed by the frequent use of pornography. Brain volume in areas related to rewards and motivation was shown to be affected by porn as per a study published in JAMA Psychiatry. 

Porn Addiction Is Not Recognized As An Official Mental Health Disorder

It may seem surprising, but porn addiction is not officially recognized as a mental health disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The manual that guides professionals in the diagnosis of mental illnesses across the world is called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

Yet despite this fact, problematic porn use can cause significant distress and disrupt your life. It is important to note that just because it’s not labeled as an “official” disorder does not mean that it is not a major problem for many individuals.

Treatment Options Are Available to Overcome It

Notwithstanding the fact that pornography addiction is not technically a mental health disorder, there are treatment options for it. These include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and 12-step programs such as Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) which can help individuals to curb their problematic use of porn.


Part 2. What Is Porn Addiction

Pornography addiction is an emotional reliance on explicit materials that can disturb your life in general, relationships, and daily functioning. This attachment may make you unhappy with your sexual experiences or perhaps push you into embarrassing acts at work like watching porn.

Doctors see porn addiction as part of a larger hypersexual disorder category alongside excessive masturbation. 

So what are the indications of porn addiction?

  • Even though you want to quit, it is impossible for you to stop watching porn.
  • The time and resources wasted on porn are a source of your guilt or shame.
  • At all times, even when otherwise engaged, you always think about watching pornography.
  • Watching porn takes precedence over work and personal relationships.
  • Sex becomes less enjoyable without the inclusion of porn in the mix.
  • You may realize that watching pornography disrupts your normal daily operations.
  • To watch pornography, you engage in dangerous activities like viewing it while at work.
  • Sacrificing daily or family needs as you spend a lot on pornography
  • You use pornography as a coping with sadness, anxiety, insomnia, or other mental health problems
Porn Addiction

There have been some debates regarding whether to recognize porn addiction as an actual addiction; however, research shows that many people are struggling with it. One cannot ignore this addiction just like any other since there can be negative consequences of doing so.

Part 3. Negative Impacts

You must be aware of the fact that porn has many negative effects on you as an individual. Here are five things that happen negatively when you watch porn:

Diminished Sexual Excitement and More Erectile Dysfunction

Regular exposure to pornography can reduce your natural sexual arousal or even lead to erectile dysfunction. It happens because your mind becomes accustomed to the overstimulation associated with porn, which in turn makes life-sex experiences less thrilling.

Negative Effect on Relationships

Pornography can have a devastating effect on relationships. Research studies indicate that watching pornography is a significant predictor of relationship dissatisfaction and may double the probability of divorce or breakup even if there is general happiness and sexual satisfaction between partners. 

Porn isn’t worth risking your true bond with your partner, since such a connection is irreplaceable.

Negative Effect on Relationships

Depression and Mental Health Issues

Using a lot of porn has been linked to depression. Depression symptoms can be triggered by guilt and feelings of inadequacy arising from viewing porn particularly if you feel like neither you nor your partner matches what you see on the screen.

Moreover, as one uses more pornography it promotes isolation and decreases interest in social interactions in real life, thus exacerbating depression further.

Decreased Self-Esteem Induced by Porn

Feeling bad about yourself may be a result of excessive use of porn. You may turn to pornography as a way of escaping low self-esteem, which can create a vicious cycle leading to growing feelings of inadequacy and isolation.

If your partner has the habit of watching pornography, you may feel less attractive or skilled than the actors in it. 

Bad Mood Changes

Porn also affects your everyday mood. Such changes will make you more irritable and more prone to anger and depression. This might arise from the internal conflict that occurs when one is aware that society often judges people who use it as well as shame or lack of control over the extent to which it is used.

 Part 4. Methods to Quit Porn

It may not be easy stopping this vice but there are several ways to know how to quit porn. Here are ten methods to let you know how to overcome porn addiction, and quit porn for good.

Understand That There’s a Problem That Needs Addressing

The first step towards making amends is admitting wrongdoing in any situation. If you recognize signs of a pornographic addiction in yourself, don't run away from it; instead, face it head-on.

Many individuals feel condemned and keep their obstacles undisclosed but just remember that you are not alone; concentrate on what you have power over and change will happen soon enough.

Build Your Recovery Support Network

Strong support networks are important. Surround yourself with understanding friends and family who can show empathy and give you a push.

Joining a support group or online community helps in finding new perspectives, finding direction, and a safe place to share stories. They can also help you understand how to stop porn addiction.

Find Accountability Partners to Help You

Find Accountability Partners to to Help You

Source: Freepik

An accountability partner could be crucial for maintaining motivation. Find somebody who is dependable and non-judgmental, present when difficult situations arise offering encouragement and support.

Regular check-ins along with open communication help foster sincere conversations around progress, setbacks, and celebrations over accomplishments achieved together.

Get Rid of the Porn and Stop Masturbation

The role played by masturbation should be addressed. While masturbation itself is normal, combining it with compulsive porn consumption may reinforce addictive patterns.

Throw away all physical or digital evidence of pornography from your life. Install filters on computers to block pornographic content; ask someone to create passwords that will only disclose them to you when needed so that even in moments of weakness you won’t get access to pornography.

Identify Porn Use Triggers and Learn to Manage Them

It is important to know what prompts you to want to watch porn. Pinpoint negative feelings, stressors, or certain situations that make you want to indulge in pornography.

These means can be used to manage these triggers effectively by reducing their stress through exercise, meditation, and finding new hobbies. 

Be Gentle With Yourself After A Relapse

Recovery doesn’t proceed on a linear path. Instead of chastising yourself when you fall back into your old ways, focus on discovering the most effective coping strategies for you and keep plugging ahead. 

Therefore, move forward, and remember actions determine the future even though one is not able to change the past.

Become More Active and Exercise

Become More Active and Exercise

Source: Freepik

Replacing bad habits with good ones can work. For instance, if you feel the need to watch porn, try going out for a jog or doing some meditation or yoga. These things will help get your thoughts off of it while also offering their own mental health benefits.

Exercise has positive effects on the brain’s reward center hence promoting well-being in general. Mental health improves through physical activity as it helps control impulses thus making it easier for someone to resist watching porn.

With time one develops substitute urges such as healthy habits that replace the urge for watching porn videos.

Change Your Environment

Habits are greatly influenced by the environment around you. You may want to change your surroundings if you have developed a habit of watching pornography.

Rearrange your room, spend time in different places, or withdraw triggers from your environment. Such changes can interrupt your routine and make it easier for you to overcome the addiction.

Consult a Therapist for CBT and ACT

Talking to any therapist could be very advantageous. They can tell whether addiction has set in and help you map out the next course of action. They can help you adopt CBT and ACT strategies.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you identify and alter negative thoughts and behaviors whereas acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) deals with urge management using value-based interventions. Both methods work well in treating porn addiction.

Install a Blocker for Porn

Porn blockers allow for putting up an additional barrier when intense urges occur sometimes. It provides an extra space for rethinking one’s desires before embracing what is dear to their values. 

 Part 5. Alternatives to Watching Porn

Healthy alternatives make all the difference when trying to stop watching porn. Six fun things that you could try include:

Get Active Outdoors

Run, hike, or play sports to raise the levels of dopamine in your system and promote feelings of well-being. Natural light and ocean activities can also enhance your mood.

Recent studies have shown that exercise can improve cognitive function by increasing the amount of dopamine released into the brain. PET scans indicate that dopamine involved in physical activities quickens response time and overall brain function.

Cook More

Cook More

Source: Freepik

Cooking can act as a great distraction which releases dopamine. Make nutritious meals that support a healthy body and mind such as steamed foods which retain vitamins.

Therapy and Family Time

Consult professionals through online therapy or group counseling. Social interactions during group therapy sessions as well as spending time with those you love can provide support thus reducing the need to watch porn.

Learn How to Play an Instrument, Also Start Painting, Gardening, and Writing

Learn how to play a musical instrument, engage in artwork, do some more gardening, or even compile something written. These hobbies keep you busy with creative thoughts in place of watching porn.

Practice Meditation

Practice Meditation

Source: Freepik

Meditation practices help manage stress and improve emotional regulation thereby reducing interest in watching pornographic materials.

Volunteer or Get Involved in Community Activities

The fulfillment from volunteering helps you realize your purpose in life while connecting you with other people hence building self-esteem instead of watching adult film videos.

Part 6. Long-Term Benefits of Quitting Porn

There are many benefits of quitting porn. Here are some of them:

Building Deeper Connections

If you quit porn, you can make better friends with your partner. You would then avoid being alone and spend time together with him or her in order to strengthen ties.

Reducing Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are common side effects of porn addiction. Consequently, quitting enables an individual to participate in activities that give true pleasure such as spending time with loved ones. According to a survey, 53 percent of those who decreased their porn consumption experienced less social anxiety.


Developing Healthy Sex Habits

The depiction of sex in pornography is unrealistic. So relinquishing this habit will enable you to have healthier and more ordinary sexual relations focusing on what feels good for you in your relationship.

Boosting Self-Esteem

Halting porn usage can result in a rejuvenated sense of direction and increased self-worth. While not worrying constantly about handling the craving, personal growth opportunities become available; say picking up new hobbies or setting goals.

Better Sleep and Increased Energy

Regulating natural relaxation processes by abstaining from pornography helps one sleep better and have more energy levels. You will be dozing off faster after quitting staying awake late at night watching pornography hence refreshing morning wake-ups.

Part 7. Msafely Helps to Control Porn Addiction

Msafely is a monitoring program that helps restrict the use of adult content and is suitable for any user and parents who are assisting their minors. Being a leading parental control software for smartphones, it allows to check remotely how and when children are using their phones.

Msafely gives you the power to overcome your porn addiction. Msafely has features like WhatsApp monitoring WhatsApp monitoring, text message tracking, app installation, call-making, and social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. These features can help you control your porn addiction.


To get started with Msafely, do the following;

  • Register Free Account: Create an account with your email at Msafely.
  • Connect Target Device: Choose a plan and connect the target device.
  • Start Monitoring: Use the Msafely Control Panel to track information on the device.

Part 8. Conclusion

Striving to live porn-free is a transformative journey. Do not forget that quitting may be difficult but you do not have to go through it alone!

Embrace the process and see yourself living in a world free from pornography so as to keep motivated. There is a need for daily reminders of these objectives as well as admitting there will be times of struggle ahead.

Have faith in your ability to transform and take unswerving steps toward your new direction. This challenge can be surpassed by dedication and assistance; therefore, resulting in healthier lives that are more satisfying than ever before.


Part 9. FAQs

Q1. How can I be more motivated to quit porn?

Simply establish your objectives and remember the advantages such as healthy relationships and mental health. Celebrate small wins along the way.

Q2. Can counseling aid in pornography addiction?

Absolutely. A talk with a counselor might give you ways to cope, and emotional support. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is especially beneficial.

Q3. How do I tell my partner about my addiction to porn?

Be real and fair about your struggle. Tell them how quitting will help your relationship and seek their understanding and encouragement.

Q4. How long does it take for someone who is addicted to watching pornography to go through withdrawal?

The time needed for one person to stop changes depending on various factors including the level of addiction, and individual motivation levels among other issues. Be patient with yourself.

Q5. What is the purpose of having a support network when coming off pornography?

An effective network of friends, relatives, or support groups can provide you with encouragement, accountability, and empathy thereby making going clean easier.