10 Ways to Provide Positive Parenting



Positive parenting is crucial for a child's overall development. It helps children feel secure, loved, and valued, boosting their self-confidence and emotional well-being. Children with good family education backgrounds are more likely to develop strong social skills, perform better academically, and exhibit fewer psychological problems. Moreover, it fosters a supportive family environment, reducing stress and conflict and enhancing the quality of family life. By adopting positive parenting practices, parents can help their children to have normal cognition, good emotions, perfect personalities, coordinated interpersonal relations, and appropriate self-consciousness. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of positive parenting, discuss its importance, and provide ten practical tips for implementing positive parenting strategies in your daily life.

1. Reject All Forms of Family Violence

A lucky person's lifetime is cured by childhood, while an unlucky person's lifetime is spent curing childhood. Family violence, in any form, has devastating effects on children. It can lead to long-term psychological, emotional, and physical harm. Research has shown that children who experience high levels of domestic violence are more likely to engage in criminal behavior later in life. Teenagers who commit crimes often come from dysfunctional family backgrounds. Therefore, resorting to physical punishment and verbal abuse will not lead to positive outcomes for children; in fact, it may even increase the likelihood of future criminal behavior.

We all know that life is not always easy, and conflicts can arise. However, it is always beneficial to teach your children how to have open communication with someone they have issues with, as well as how to express themselves in non-violent ways in order to find better solutions to problems. By rejecting all forms of family violence, you can help your children understand the importance of respect and kindness in relationships.

A boy is being abused by his family.

2. Boost Your Child's Self-Esteem

The foremost responsibility of parents is teaching children how to respect and love themselves. As children grow from infancy to adulthood, they gradually develop self-awareness and begin to understand that they are distinct individuals. This period is crucial for parents to instill self-respect and self-love in them. Acknowledge their efforts and accomplishments, no matter how small, and provide constructive feedback. By encouraging your child to set realistic goals and celebrate their achievements, you are helping them develop a positive self-image that lays the foundation for their confidence and resilience in facing life's challenges.

A girl looks very confident.

3. Show Warmth and Enthusiasm

Children thrive in an environment filled with warmth and enthusiasm. Positive parenting means expressing genuine interest and joy in your child's activities and achievements. Show affection through hugs, smiles, and kind words. Participate actively in their interests and hobbies, and be enthusiastic about their successes and milestones. This positive reinforcement helps children feel valued and loved, fostering a strong emotional bond between parent and child.

A boy is with his dad.

4. Offer Praise and Encouragement

Praise and encouragement are powerful tools in positive parenting. They motivate children to continue positive behaviors and strive for improvement. Offer specific praise that acknowledges effort and progress, rather than just the outcome. For example, instead of saying "Good job," you might say, "I really appreciate how hard you worked on your homework." Encouragement helps children develop a growth mindset, where they see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

A parent is holding his kid's hand.

5. Teach Self-Discipline and Responsibility

Teaching self-discipline and responsibility is a key aspect of positive parenting. Help your children understand the consequences of their actions and the importance of making responsible choices. Set clear expectations and provide consistent guidance. Encourage them to take on age-appropriate responsibilities, such as chores or homework, and provide support as they learn to manage their tasks. By fostering self-discipline and responsibility, you help your children develop essential life skills that will serve them well into adulthood.

A meeting at 14:30

In fact, many children develop good self-discipline habits from the consistent guidance and discipline of their parents as they grow up. Among all the forms of supervision, monitoring mobile phone usage is crucial. Since mobile phones are a primary source of external information for children, it's essential to ensure that they use them responsibly and don't access harmful content, like pornography, violence, drugs, and gambling. Msafely is a helpful tool for effectively supervising your children's mobile phone usage. Msafely lets parents monitor kids' online activity in real-time - videos, messages, browsing history. If kids access harmful content, Msafely allows timely intervention to restrict access and keep kids safe online.

6. Encourage Humility and Patience

Humility and patience are important virtues that positive parenting seeks to instill in children. Teach your children to recognize and appreciate the strengths and contributions of others. Model humility by acknowledging your mistakes and showing a willingness to learn and grow. Encourage patience by helping your children understand that some things take time and effort to achieve. By promoting these values, you help your children develop empathy and resilience.

A girl is raising a pile of rocks

7. Foster Independence

Fostering independence is crucial for a child's growth and development. Positive parenting encourages children to take initiative and make decisions on their own. Provide opportunities for them to solve problems, make choices, and take on new challenges. Support them in their endeavors while allowing them the freedom to learn from their mistakes. By fostering independence, you help your children develop confidence, self-reliance, and a sense of responsibility.

A girl is riding bike by herself.

8. Communicate Frequently with Your Child

Effective communication is the cornerstone of positive parenting. Make time to talk with your child regularly, and listen actively to their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Use open-ended questions to encourage deeper conversations and show genuine interest in their lives. Provide a safe space for them to express their emotions and opinions without fear of judgment. By maintaining open lines of communication, you build trust and strengthen your relationship with your child.

A mom and her boy

9. Encourage Participation in Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities provide valuable opportunities for children to explore their interests and develop new skills. Positive parenting involves encouraging your child to participate in activities outside of school, such as sports, arts, or community service. These activities help children build social connections, boost self-esteem, and develop a sense of belonging. Support your child's interests and provide the necessary resources and encouragement to pursue their passions.

A child is stacking toy blocks.

10. Understand Your Needs and Limitations as a Parent

Positive parenting also involves recognizing and respecting your own needs and limitations. Parenting can be demanding, and taking care of your well-being is important. Set realistic expectations for yourself and seek support when needed. Communicate openly with your partner or co-parent about your parenting goals and challenges. By taking care of your needs, you can be more present and effective in your parenting role, providing a positive and nurturing environment for your child.



Positive parenting is a powerful approach that fosters a nurturing, supportive, and respectful environment for children. By rejecting family violence, boosting self-esteem, showing warmth and enthusiasm, offering praise, teaching self-discipline, encouraging humility and patience, fostering independence, communicating effectively, supporting extracurricular activities, and understanding your needs, you can provide a strong foundation for your child's growth and development. Embrace these positive parenting strategies to help your children thrive and become well-rounded, resilient individuals.