Slang words have become very common on the internet nowadays and it is widely used by teenagers and younger people. This comes as a result of the fast paced nature of online communication and the creative use of language. Social media apps such as Tiktok, Twitter and Instagram now have lingo peculiar to them, so navigating these apps and social media in general requires knowledge of these new slang words.
If you’re an ardent social media user, you have probably heard someone describe something as a canon event and have no clue what it means. This article gives a comprehensive explanation of its meaning and how it can be used in various contexts.
A Canon event refers to an event in a person’s life that serves as a catalyst for other events that occur later. These events could be painful, difficult or even embarrassing, but they are very important to the development of the person who experiences them.
Avoiding a canon event can prevent bad things from happening, but sometimes, they are necessary for character development and when you think about it, canon events are unavoidable parts of our lives as humans. There are always situations which you’d never be in if some things didn’t happen. For example, think of that bicycle you’d never have gotten if you didn’t fall sick and how you’d never have gotten good at cycling or how you’d never have hit the gym if that girl didn’t break your heart. Those are canon events right there.
The term ‘Canon Event’ originally comes from discussions in comic book fandoms, movies and TV series. It refers to the events in a story that are considered as important to the entire story. Canon events are considered as pivotal to the development of the characters in these stories.
The slang ‘Canon Event' became popularized and found its way into social media with the release of Marvel’s “Spiderman: Into the Spider verse” and “Spiderman: Across the Spider Verse” where it was the main theme. The release of “Spiderman: Across the Spider verse” made its usage much more prominent as it sparked a whole trend on Tiktok where millions of users all around the world shared the events they considered as canon events in their own lives.
Kids use the slang ‘Canon Event’s in a few different ways which could be difficult for people, especially adults who are unfamiliar with internet slang to understand. It can be used when talking about an important moment, inevitable experiences or to relate to things shared in common. Here are a few examples of ‘Canon Event’ being used in everyday conversation.
There are a couple of variations of the term ‘Canon Event’ which young people often use as substitutes depending on the context of their conversation.
Young people use this to refer to the beginning of something important in a person’s life and it’s often used in a humorous manner. For example, ‘That heartbreak was the beginning of his villain origin story.’
This refers to a moment which stands out from the usual. There’s an iconic moment when you do something out of the norm. For example, ‘Do you remember that Iconic moment when I scored three free kicks in the final?’
This refers to a moment in a person’s life which is important to what they become. For example, ‘Every boy has to go through that heartbreak at 19 for character development’.
Just like other slang words out there in 2024, social media use ‘Canon Event’ well in conversations. They use it to describe turning points, key moments and significant chapters in their life which have built them to be what they are now.
Canon Event is also often used in hashtags on social media apps like Tiktok. Here are a few examples:
#CanonEventMeaning #CanonEventExplained
#CanonEvent #CanonEvents
It is important for you as a parent to learn about internet slang and how it’s used among kids for you to be able to discuss it with them. This is important because it allows you to know what your kids are talking about and whether it is appropriate or not. It also allows you to be able to relate to your kids at a higher level and have open communications with them.
In essence, understanding slang words fosters better communication between you and your child and also allows you to educate them on what is appropriate and what’s not.
The easiest way in which you can have a good conversation about slang words with your child is for you to know what they mean and how they are used. Knowing this would help in showing that you know what you’re talking about and you’re not just being ‘old school’.
Another way in which you can have a good conversation about slang words with your child is to share your slang words. Talk about the words that were trendy when you were their age and how you use them and ask them to share theirs with you.
After getting a full understanding of the slang words your child uses, make them understand when and where they should and shouldn’t use these terms. For example, you could ask your child if they can use a particular slang word while speaking with their teacher.
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Q1. What is a Canon Event?
A Canon event is any important event which serves a catalyst for other events.
Q2. When can I use ‘Canon Event’?
You can say something is a canon event for another thing when it serves as a key moment for a present situation.
Q3. Are ‘Canon Event’ bad?
Canon events can sometimes lead to painful situations, but not all canon events are bad.
Q4. What is a Canon?
A canon in the context of Canon Events is the major narrative which a story is based on.
Q5. Can I use ‘Canon Events’ formally?
No. Canon Event is a slang and its use should be limited to informal communication.
Canon Event is basically a slang term which is used to describe key moments and turning points in a person’s life. This term was popularized on Tiktok with the influence of Marvel’s blockbuster animated movie “Spiderman: Into The Spider Verse”.
If you had no clue what a ‘Canon Event’ meant before, now you do and you have been shown how it can be used in different situations.
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