Home>Teen Slang>Crunk Meaning, Examples & Use Cases By Teens

Crunk Meaning, Examples & Use Cases By Teens

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Ah, another new slang?

Parents had just gotten used to ttyl, ngl, KMS, and ASL, and now they’re hearing about “crunk”!

If you have seen your kid mentioning that they are "crunk," it could mean they are excited about something. However, the word has multiple other meanings, and the answer to “What is crunk?" or "What does crunk mean?" may vary according to the situation.

They might talk about crunk dance or say, "Stand up and get crunk” on text or social media. What do they mean by crunk in both situations?

This article covers the meaning of crunk and its variations, including crunk Urban Dictionary and more.

Part 1. What Does 'Crunk' Mean

Crunk is a widely used term to express excitement or intoxication. Teenagers mentioning crunk typically refer to being excited or energetic.

For example, they might tell a friend they are crunk, or the party last night was crunk.

At the same time, the Cambridge Dictionary identifies Crunk as a noun and defines Crunk as:

“A type of pop music that people dance to, with a strong beat and repeated words that people shout.”

Besides the noun version, Dictionary.com also mentions using Crunk as an adjective in slang. The two Crunk definitions as adjectives include:

  • excited, full of energy
  • drunk and high on drugs

While the Crunk definition in literature generally relates to crunk music, it has emerged as a popular slang exhibiting excitement.

Part 2. Where Does 'Crunk' Come From

Now that you know Crunk’s meaning slang, you might wonder, “Who even thought of this word?”

Crunk is believed to have originated from words like crank, drunk, and crazy; Crunk Urban Dictionary also mentions that it’s a mixture of the words crazy and drunk.

The use of crunk dates back to the 1990s, and the Oxford English Dictionary has the first evidence of its use in 1995 in the Totally Unofficial Rap Dictionary.

The first time the audience heard the word on TV was also in 1995 when Andy Richter and Conan O'Brien were looking for ways to get past the censors on Conan's late-night talk show. Most swearwords would get censored, and they wanted to keep the show interesting. Eventually, they came up with "Crunk” that could serve the purpose without getting censored. Dirty South rappers had also been using the word as an euphemism for getting crazy and stoned. Thus, Crunk is also thought of as a fusion of ‘chronic’ and ‘drunk.’

However, Crunk is also mentioned in Dr. Suess’s book Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! in 1972, where he says, "You can go in a Crunk-car if you wish.”

Another explanation in the Urban Dictionary states that the term is more related to cranking up something. So, if you crank something up too much, you have moved on to "crunk.” However, it still translates to having too much energy.

Part 3. How Kids Use "Crunk" in Everyday Conversation

Crunk has become a common part of regular teen conversations. You will see the word on text messages, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and other messaging platforms. The usage may vary depending on the context and Crunk meaning in that particular sentence. The following examples of Crunk and its variations in conversations will help you understand why your kid is using the word.

3.1. Examples of "Crunk" in sentences

When using Crunk as slang in sentences, you might see conversations on your kid’s phone like:

  • “Did you go to Alex's party last night?" "Yeah, man, it was crunk!”
  • “Carey was SO crunk on Anna’s birthday!!”
  • Get crunk with it, get loose with it

3.2. Variations and related slang terms

Besides the common use of crunk in terms of excitement, it is also used to show being drunk. Your kid might use the following sentences if they’re talking about drinking:

  • “Why do you look crunk? Have you been drinking?”
  • “Hey, don’t tell my mother I was crunk last night.”
  • "I've never seen Amy get crunk in your parties." "Yeah, she doesn't smoke or drink."
  • At the same time, conversations around crunk music may look like the following:
  • Do you know about Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz Kings of Crunk?
  • “If you’re a fan of hip and metal, you might also like crunk.”
  • “Crunk has been so popular in the 1990s.”

3.3. Social media usage and popular hashtags

Most posts you see online mentioning crunk relate to crunk music and crunk dance. Instagram's most popularly used relevant hashtag is #crunk, with 273k posts. Other common related hashtags include:










Part 4. How to Talk with Your Kid about Slang

4.1. Importance of understanding teen slang

Understanding the context can be challenging with the widespread use of slangs like crunk with multiple meanings. While it's cool until they use the word for talking about music or being excited, talking about drinking and smoking can be concerning, especially if they are too young. Thus, you might need to speak to your child about crunk and its usage.

4.2. Tips and examples for starting a conversation about slang with your child

Talking to your kid about using slang like crunk can be difficult, but you must have this conversation to understand their thoughts and activities. It is important to communicate your concerns with them if you have seen a conversation mentioning getting crunk in a manner that concerns you about their company and daily activities. Here are a few tips to go through this conversation without offending a kid or causing them to rebel:

Sit down with your kid over lunch or dinner or when playing a game together. Generally, mention how they talk in slang today and how it is hard for parents to understand these Gen Z conversations.

Next, you can say that you have been observing kids using "Crunk" in their conversations, and it made you ponder the meaning of crunk. You can also casually mention that you also saw a text on their phone mentioning crunk; feel free to share what the message was, exactly.

Now that you have established the basis for the conversation, ask them the word's meaning, and they might tell you any of the three. Nothing to worry about if they say they are talking about music or sharing excitement. However, you will need to have a deeper conversation if crunk refers to being drunk or stoned.

For underage kids, assert the rules like no cigarettes, weed, or alcohol before a certain age. They must understand the legal consequences and potential dangers of drinking with habitual crunkers. They might not know it, but someone around them might benefit from them being drunk.

Lastly, assure your kids that you are with them no matter what, but they must be transparent and share everything with you. They must provide details about their whereabouts and share correct information so you can protect them when needed.

If you’re unsure how to start a conversation, check these examples:

“Hey, kiddo, can you help me understand the meaning of a few slang words? You know I'm not so updated with these words. What does ttyl, ASL, goat, drip, and crunk mean? Haha, crunk means drunk and crazy? That's a funny word. You know I never check your phone, but I just saw a text from your friend saying that you were crunk at the party. Were you drinking? Think of it as a safe space, and don’t hide anything as it may harm you….”

“Hey, what does crunk mean? I have been seeing it all over Reddit and Snapchat. It's a funny word; what does it even mean? Oh, it means crazy or drunk! Were you drunk at dinner with your friends yesterday? I saw Jason’s message pop up on your phone; he probably mentioned it in the group chat. Don’t worry, I’ll not scold you. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

“I see teenagers using crunk all the time on social media. In our times, it referred to crunk covers in music, but I see you use it differently now. What does it mean? Oh, okay, yeah, I read about it, but I wanted to ask what you guys use it for. Elia casually used it last week when we talked about Carl's party and said you were crunk. How much did you drink? Did you know everyone at the party? You know it can be unsafe with strangers around. You know the rules, and they are for your safety. I want you to enjoy, but also stay safe.”

Part 5. Staying Informed About Teen Slang: Using Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your kid's Phone Activity

5.1. What is Msafely

Msafely is one of the most trusted parental control apps among parents for monitoring their children's activities. It lets you track your child's location and monitor their texts, calls, and social media. These features make it easy to monitor your child's activity remotely, even when they are away. It also lets you protect your kids better when you can see the texts they exchange with their friends.

                Screenshot of Msafely homepage.

5.2. Key features of Msafely

Msafely monitors a wide range of apps on your phone and offers various features. Here are the most prominent features and benefits of Msafely to help you protect your child hassle-free:

  • Msafely sends you real-time updates every few minutes, giving you access to the latest data and location.
  • The app leaves no trace on the target phone.
  • Msafey does not interfere with the email push.
  • Using this parental control app is safe as the data is encrypted.
  • The app does not take sudden screenshots of the device, reducing the chances of suspicion.
  • You can use Msafely on all iOS and Android devices. It is updated regularly to ensure compatibility with all devices.
  • Msafely offers dynamic customer support you can contact at any time.

5.3. Steps of using Msafely to monitor your kid's phone

You might think that setting up a spy app would take a lot of time, but it’s fast and convenient. Connecting the target phone to your Msafely account is incredibly easy, and the verification process takes only two minutes.

Step 1. Register your Msafely account with a valid email.

Register a free account.

Step 2. Connect the target device.

Choose the target phone.

Step 3. Start monitoring the target phone through your Msafely Control Panel.

The Android dashboard of Msafely.

Part 6. FAQs about Crunk

Q1. Does Crunk mean drunk and high?

One of the meanings of Crunk slang is drunk and high. The word is believed to come from a combination of "chronic" and "drunk," implying that someone has drunk too much.

Q2. What does wanna get crunk mean?

Crunk typically refers to being crazy, excited, or drunk. So, a text mentioning “wanna get crunk” might be asking if you want to drink and get crazy.

Q3. What drug is crunk?

When crunk is used in a conversation around drugs and being stoned, it might refer to various drugs like marijuana, PCP, cocaine, and amphetamine.

Q4. Is crunk still a thing?

Crunk music had been losing its charm, but the #crunkaintdead trend and Duke Deuce’s “Crunk ain’t dead" hit have brought it back to the mainstream.

Q5. Who started Crunk?

Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz, Three 6 Mafia, YoungBloodZ, and BUG Mafia are considered the kings of crunk, having introduced this music form to the audience.

Part 7. Conclusion

Crunk is another popular slang among teenagers nowadays – the list doesn't just seem to end, does it?

Now, we hope you know “What does crunk mean?" and the crunk definition. So, when you see your child communicate with their friends using this slang term, ask them what they mean by it to be sure. If they say they're talking about being excited or crunk music, grab your pack of chips and enjoy the regular show on TV. However, if they were talking about being drunk or stoned, you must revisit boundaries and emphasize the importance of not drinking before age and its legal consequences. If your child becomes more secretive, use a spy app. Parental control apps like Msafely monitor their conversations on texts and social media to protect them from potential harm. It also informs you of their whereabouts so you can reach them immediately if needed.

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